Britney Spears Is Afraid of Reptiles
The American pop singer is best known for making the early 2000s more than memorable, but believe it or not, Britney suffers from something unique called "Herpetophobia," which is characterized as having an intense fear of reptiles, including lizards and snakes. The icon admits that these creatures are simply something that she absolutely cannot handle and will quickly go off running if she ever encounters one while out in public or on vacation.
This revelation makes the pop star's iconic performance with a python, pictured above, all the more iconic.
Kylie Jenner Is Afraid of Dust in a Cup
Famous influencer, makeup mogul, and reality tv star Kylie Jenner admits to having a strange fear- dust in a cup. This might be the most random one on here if we're being honest. Kylie Jenner seems to want to have everything clean and dust-free, and that includes her cups, as well, which you can't really blame her for. Clean cups are definitely a must.
But still, we can't help but be curious about when this phobia developed and how Kylie became aware of it.
Megan Fox Is Afraid of Paper
Actress Megan Fox told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that she hates dry paper. The sound and feel of it combined give her chills. Megan has to do something very unusual to deal with this phobia. She said she must sit with a cup of water by her side whenever she is working with paper and dips her fingers into the liquid to create moisture on her fingertips before turning a page.
Paper can become a bit irritating, and the sound is simply close to nails on a chalkboard when anything scratches across it, but a full-on fear of paper, and Megan Fox's precautions, are unusual.
Johnny Depp Is Afraid of Clowns
Johnny Depp may have played some interesting and slightly creepy characters on television and in movies, but none of those unique roles required him to dress up as a clown, and he was probably quite happy about that. The actor himself has said that the long fake smiles and pale painted faces are what specifically terrify him when it comes to these scary characters, which honestly makes so much sense.
"Coulrophobia" is the official name for having a fear of clowns- they're pretty unsettling, even for adults, yet continue to be the main staple of most children's birthday parties, and well, that's why this term exists.
Khloe Kardashian Is Afraid of Belly Buttons
Khloe Kardashian's fear of belly buttons is extreme- she actually has to wear gloves on her hands and screams when she has to wash hers in the shower. This phobia is called "Omphalophobia," and it's a real thing that people actually suffer from. Khloe says she doesn't want to look at her own and certainly does not want to see anyone else's belly button, so she tries to stay away from them.
Belly buttons start to look weird if you think about them for too long, but Khloe Kardashian won't be spending even a second doing that- even though it's a fear that the model must confront on a daily basis.
Matthew McConaughey Is Afraid of Revolving Doors
Actor Matthew McConaughey says that he struggles with a phobia called "Cleithrophobia," which is characterized by an intense fear of revolving doors and, more specifically, getting trapped in them. This might be a thought that goes through most of our minds when having to pass through a revolving door, but the thought passes quickly once making it to the other side. For Matthew, it turns into pure stress and anxiety.
Truly, this is a valid fear because getting trapped inside of a revolving door doesn't seem like it would be an enjoyable experience. McConaughey is also afraid of driving through tunnels.
Nicole Kidman Is Afraid of Butterflies
Butterflies give Nicole Kidman extreme anxiety, and she reacts with pure fear if she sees them flying anywhere near her. Kidman says that there is something simply "eerie" about the bugs, and she doesn't really understand why everyone thinks they're so beautiful. She also has reported that butterflies are pretty weird things, in her opinion. You can only imagine what she would think about moths; they're just like butterflies, only ten times scarier.
Having a fear of butterflies is called "Lepidoterophobia," and Kidman says that she suffers from it. Maybe she wore this butterfly-covered dress in an attempt to overcome her fear.
Zach Galifianakis Is Afraid of Heights
The intense fear of heights was so severe at one point for this actor from The Hangover that he once had to skip an event just because it took place near a mountain called Sugarloaf in Brazil. It was a press event for the last film of the three-film series, and he actually had to attend it virtually instead of in person due to his strong anxiety and intense fear. Thankfully, Galifianakis isn't alone because there are so many people who share the same phobia.
"Acrophobia," the scientific name for having a fear of heights, is a widespread phobia in society. It is particularly challenging for actors who have to face that phobia during filming or for press purposes.
Katy Perry Is Afraid of The Dark
Katy Perry is extremely afraid of the dark; this is a phobia called "Nyctophobia" that is characterized as having extreme anxiety when it comes to darkness. The star singer admits that she constantly has to have a light on, and that includes when she is sleeping. Katy says that tons of scary and evil things happen in the dark, and she surely doesn't want to be a part of any of those possibilities.
Usually, a fear of the dark is something that is outgrown as we age into adulthood, but for some people, like Katy Perry- this fear never goes away. Thankfully, it can be fairly well managed.
Channing Tatum Is Afraid of Porcelain Dolls
Actor Channing Tatum absolutely despises porcelain dolls, and they really, truly, freak him out. Channing said that their eyes are just way too realistic, to the point of being creepy and that sometimes it's hard to remember that they aren't real. He also claims that when walking past one of these, he imagines that their head spins and follows him for the entire time as he travels across the area.
Let's face it; every doll has the potential to be scary. Porcelain ones are probably higher up on that list, so Channing Tatum has a super valid fear if you think about it.
Lance Bass Is Afraid of Bugs That Buzz
The former NSync singer from the 90s has kept his phobia of things that buzz secret from the public, but fan pages from around the world claim that Lance Bass has admitted to having this phobia. Fear of bugs is a common one, especially bees or wasps, as they make a buzzing sound that is hard to ignore. Lance is afraid of everything that buzzes, and this likely includes houseflies.
Admittedly, buzzing bugs are pretty scary, especially when they come from bees, and the sound usually means that it's either time to step away or swat at whatever is making the sound- if you're brave enough.
Eva Mendes Is Afraid of Water
Actress Eva Mendes is extremely afraid of water and has admitted that she even has a swimming pool in her house that she is not able to use due to her phobia- but it did not stop her from buying the home in the first place. Eva typically avoids swimming in pools and even in the ocean, mostly because she doesn't know how to. She has never even attempted to step foot in her pool due to this.
Eva Mendes isn't the only actor who experiences "Aquaphobia." Snoop Dog and Will Smith also have great fears when it comes to water since, just like Mendes, they can't swim. But as an actress, sometimes confronting your fears is unavoidable.
David Beckham Is Afraid of Frogs
Soccer star David Beckham is famously known around the world for his talent in the sport- but he actually suffers from a fear that many don't know about. Beckham is deeply afraid of frogs and has been courageous enough to speak about it publicly during a television interview. Alongside this phobia of the green and strange-sounding creatures, he also is afraid of disorders, which is completely separate from his anxiety about the amphibians.
The official name for having an intense fear of frogs is called "Ranidaphobia," and David Beckham claimed to have it during a BBC documentary- he was even made fun of for it at some point.
Dwayne Johnson Is Afraid of Roller Coasters
Dwayne Johnson, the actor and former professional wrestler, has nerves of pure steel- except for when he is asked to go on a roller coaster. The actor said that the rides make him feel trapped and give him a sense of claustrophobia. With those handlebars going over your head and nowhere to go, that is definitely a valid feeling. Dwayne says they truly freak him out and avoids thinking about roller coasters.

Roller coasters are very scary, especially the ones that drop hundreds of feet, and you pretty much have no control. So many people are scared of them for reasons that truly make sense.
Jennifer Aniston Is Afraid of Water and Flying
Jennifer Aniston is intensely scared of flying, and getting on an airplane is always a continuous struggle for the actress. She said that she was once on a plane heading to Mexico for her birthday and was forced to face her fear when there was a loud explosion heard during landing. That sounds really scary, and most people would probably avoid planes after that for the rest of their lives.
Jennifer Aniston's two fears are ones that a lot of people can relate to. Thankfully, swimming can be easily avoided- but flying might be a bit harder to stay away from as an actress. Good news is that Jen isn't letting her phobia stop her from being a representative for Emirates' luxurious airline.
Tyra Banks Is Afraid of Dolphins
Tyra Banks, model and television host, admitted her intense fear of dolphins in an episode of her show. Tyra said that the creatures make her feel quite uneasy and that her fear is a big one. She stated that most people love dolphins and think that they're super cute, but she does not understand why. She also said that even a simple thought of dolphins could send her into pure panic.
But like some other stars on this list, Tyra has confronted her deepest fear right in the face and forced herself to touch a dolphin.
Pamela Anderson Is Afraid of Mirrors
Pamela Anderson confessed to news outlets that she has a strong fear of mirrors called "Eistrophobia," and more specifically, a fear of seeing her past and present self from any point of view. Pamela has to leave the room and walk away if she sees herself on a screen or in a mirror because it triggers an intense feeling of stress and anxiety- which is something she prefers to avoid in the first place.
Fear of mirrors isn't exactly common, but having issues with seeing one's own image or reflection certainly is.
Elliot Page Is Afraid of Tennis Balls
Elliot Page admits that he is petrified of tennis balls and has to leave the room if a tennis game comes on the television due to his intense anxiety. Elliot isn't sure about where this fear comes from, but he does know that it is genuinely something that leaves him terrified whenever tennis comes around. The rackets and game itself aren't what scares him; it's precisely the balls for an unknown reason.
Being afraid of tennis balls is certainly a strange thing as they seem to be pretty harmless objects for the most part. However, they are green and fuzzy, so maybe it's understandable.
Howie Mandel Is Afraid of Germs
Howie Mandel's fear of germs goes beyond the term "Mysophobia," and he claims that it is actually a result of his intense Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which is absolutely horrible for him at times. Anything from germs, contamination, and dirt will trigger intense feelings of anxiety and panic. Howie also does not shake hands with anyone and must wash and sanitize his hands after touching anything. Howie will settle for a fist bump when greeting people in public, which eases his fear.
This fear has severely debilitated the comedian, and he often speaks openly about the intense effects on his mental health as he is working to recover.
Taylor Swift Is Afraid of Sea Urchins
Pop singer Taylor Swift was a special guest on The Ellen Show, and when asked about her fears, she said that she has a crippling phobia of sea urchins. Her anxiety is so intense that Taylor often has to avoid going into the water and doesn't want to risk the chance of encountering one of them. Taylor also said she is afraid of getting arrested or being framed for committing a crime.
Sea Urchins are those shelled, spikey creatures that sit at the bottom of the sea. They can be dangerous and even poisonous, so we can definitely sympathize with Taylor's phobia.
Oprah Is Afraid of Gum
Not everyone likes gum, but television star Oprah Winfrey is outright scared of it and even explained why. She said it was because her grandmother would collect chewed-up pieces of gum and line them up inside of a cabinet where young Oprah was able to see them. Due to her complete disgust of it, gum is actually completely banned from the offices of her television company, and in her opinion, it's for a good reason.
Gum can be a sticky and annoying substance for lots of reasons, but having a fear of it to the point where it causes stress, called "Chiclephobia," is pretty rare.
Uma Thurman Is Afraid of Confined Spaces
Uma Thurman is terrified of small spaces, and being stuck in one for any amount of time triggers that phobia, resulting in intense fear and anxiety. Thurman, the actress in the movie Kill Bill, was told to crawl inside of a closed coffin that was covered in dirt by directors. She was absolutely terrified but practically had no choice as this was part of her job- and it was necessary in order to film the scene.
So many people experience claustrophobia like Uma Thurman, which sometimes comes in specific situations such as elevators and small areas. Thurman said that crawling into a coffin for the movie forced her to face her biggest fear.
Meryl Streep Is Afraid of Helicopters
Popular actress Maryl Streep is more commonly known for fantastically perfecting her roles instead of her deepest fears. But, this talented woman is famous on the internet as being genuinely petrified of helicopters and will never travel in one, and if she has to, she will find another way. Flying, in general, involves putting all of your trust into a pilot, a significant loss of control, and being very far off of the ground- which can be simply debilitated for people like Streep.
Meryl Streep has never gotten into a helicopter, and it's not likely that she will anytime soon. Her intense fear is called "Corcoranophobia," and it can be paralyzing for anyone who has it.
Madonna Is Afraid of Thunder and Lightning
Madonna, famously known as the queen of pop, is incredibly scared of both thunder and lightning. Storms are so terrifying for the singer that she has to avoid them at all costs. It was once reported that a rise in humidity at one of her concerts in Ireland caused her intense fear. At the show, she requested to be updated with regular and consistent weather reports to make sure that a storm wouldn't happen.
To say that Madonna is scared of thunder and lighting would be an understatement- she is absolutely terrified and suffers from "Brontophobia" to the point where it affects her daily life.
Matt Damon Is Afraid of Snakes
So many people have a fear of snakes, and it's not really a phobia that is too strange or hard to understand. Matt Damon, star actor in the film, We Bought a Zoo with Scarlett Johansson, was required to film scenes with snakes on set. The actor admitted that his fear was so intense that he would start to freak out at times and even cried when he had to be around the creatures.
Honestly, we can't really blame him because those slippery and slithering things are, in fact, quite scary at times. They can also be unpredictable and dangerous when they're angry. Yet, somehow, people still consider these scaley animals as adorable pets.
Adele Is Afraid of Seagulls
'Laridaphobia" is having a strong fear of seagulls, something that famous singer Adele surely has and doesn't hide from the public. Adele says that she has been afraid of the invasive birds because she was attacked by one when she was a kid- and still has the scar to prove it. This incident still sticks with her to this very day, and she rightfully is not able to keep calm when there are any seagulls in sight.
Seagulls are highly annoying creatures that will gladly steal your french fries as you put them in your mouth, so Adele's fear is an extremely valid one. They can be scary at times.
Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Afraid of Elevators
Jennifer Love Hewitt refuses to enter an elevator if there are more than five people inside of it, which proves just how afraid of elevators she truly is. There are some scary stories out there about elevators getting stuck in which people have had to spend several hours inside before getting rescued. Indeed, this is terrifying, and Hewitt's fear is definitely one that she likely won't ever experience due to her avoiding them.
Getting stuck in an elevator is pretty much everyone's fear, and the thought commonly crosses our minds when stepping into one, but not everyone panics to a point of choosing to take the stairs.
Scarlett Johansson Is Afraid of Birds
Scarlett Johansson has an intense fear of birds and says that their long beaks and flapping wings are what cause her to have anxiety around the flying animals. Birds are usually harmless creatures that tend to mind their own business in the outdoors, which is why most people aren't too afraid of them for the most part. Johansson tries to stay as far away from them as she possibly can.
Scarlett Johanson's strong fear of birds is called "Ornithophobia," and she says that it seems to be a genetic phobia that she shares with her family- more specifically, her uncle.
Jennifer Lawrence Is Afraid of Annoying People
Jennifer Lawrence said that she has a fear of annoying people in an interview and admitted that she has a bunch of other phobias alongside that one. Her fear is a common one that often comes with a rush of anxiety after potentially meeting someone new or even when questioning a friendship. Wondering if our company is tolerable or annoying might just be a constant part of our human existence.
Other than annoying people, Jennifer Lawrence has admitted that she also has a fear of death, ghosts, and spiders. Three things that aren't very unusual, it's safe to say that most people feel the same way.
Sarah Michelle Gellar Is Afraid of Cemeteries
Actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar, is extremely afraid of cemeteries- and may not be as brave as the vampire slayer role she is famous for playing. This common fear is called "Coimetrophobia," but she isn't only afraid of being around the dead. Another one of her fears is being buried alive, which would pretty much occur in the exact location. Gellar has admitted that shooting in graveyards for television scenes has made her cry.
Cemeteries are by far one of the most uncomfortable places to be around, although some people do thoroughly enjoy the spooky and unusual environment. Sarah Michelle Gellar is not one of those people.
Diddy Is Afraid of Long Second Toes
Tons of people have a phobia of feet, but Diddy's fear is way more specific. He hates long second toes and is even grossed out by them and often tries to avoid looking at feet in general. This is called "Podophobia," and the rapper admitted to having this fear on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. He seriously freaks out when anyone shows him their second toes, and that was tested on that same episode of the show.
Truthfully, second toes are a bit creepy when you look at them for too long- especially if they are greatly longer than all of the other toes, so we can't blame Diddy on this one.
Rita Ora Is Afraid of Toilets
Singer Rita Ora isn't just afraid of toilets; it's the idea of what could potentially come out from the bottom. Ora says that she has to have a light on in the bathroom when she goes in the middle of the night. Hopefully, she hasn't watched any of those viral internet videos of snakes popping up from the inside of them. That would certainly raise her fear to maximum terror.
Toilets are truly a necessary part of our daily lives; thankfully, this fear doesn't stop Rita Ora from using them. If so, that would probably be a very big problem.
Katie Holmes Is Afraid of Raccoons
Katie Holmes has said that she has had a fear of raccoons ever since she was a kid. According to Katie, most people say that animals are more fearful of people than we are of them, but she doesn't think that is the case with raccoons- which might be true; they really are intelligent creatures. The actress truly hates the sneaky animals and will stay away from them if she sees one.
Raccoons are invasive animals that will crawl into your trash cans or houses and take what they feel is rightfully theirs, specifically when you're not around, so Katie's fear is a rational one.
Billy Bob Thornton Is Afraid of Antique Furniture
Billy Bob Thorton says that he will start to feel very uncomfortable if he is around any furniture that looks to be old. Thorton specified that this phobia specifically relates to French furniture, and it's so unusual that there isn't a scientific name for this fear. He claims that it may have to do with something from a previous lifetime and might have been beaten by an antique in that past life. It seems radical or even unlikely, but he really feels this way.
This might be one of the more strange phobias that might seem to be a bit random. Thorton is also afraid of a few more unusual things like cayenne pepper and silver.
Kyra Sedgwick Is Afraid of Food That Talks
Krya Sedgwick is seriously scared of any type of food that seems to be talking, and that goes for television commercials and children's characters alike. That includes the M&M advertisements, where the candies are usually doing strange things while talking- she absolutely despises those. Kyra's husband said that he has to lower the volume when any commercial like this comes on and that his wife normally has to leave the room when this happens because she is so disgusted.
Honestly, anyone would probably be creeped out by talking food which is a highly unnatural thing and probably shouldn't have come into any type of existence in the first place.
Christina Ricci Is Afraid of Indoor Plants
Christina Ricci's fear of indoor house plants is called "Botanophobia," and she has said that touching a plant that has any type of dirt on it is something close to torture, in her opinion. Ricci also has a fear of swimming pools, which makes sense since they can be kind of gross sometimes- especially the public ones. Being afraid of plants seems to be a bit more strange than that one, truly.
The only thing that is truly scary about a house plant for the average person is attempting to keep them alive- they just always seem to die at some point no matter how hard you try.
Aretha Franklin Was Afraid of Flying
Aretha Franklin's fear of flying was reportedly so severe that it almost destroyed her entire career when she was younger. The singer was forced to turn down international positions and concerts due to her extreme anxiety about traveling by plane. Flying by air can be truly scary for anyone, and it's undoubtedly a bit normal to feel a rush of nervousness before taking flight. Still, this feeling does not become debilitating for everyone.
This intense fear is called "Aviophobia," a relatively common one. Aretha Franklin claims that she has been trying to work through and get past her phobia after struggling for the last thirty years.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Was Afraid of the Number Thirteen
Franklin D. Roosevelt is widely known as being one of America's former presidents, but he was also terrified of the number thirteen. This fear was actually so severe that Roosevelt took several extreme and serious precautions in his life to avoid the number. He refused to travel anywhere on the thirteenth day of the month and would never allow thirteen guests to sit at a single table. You could only imagine how he felt about Friday the thirteenth.
Being afraid of the number thirteen is oddly specific and a bit strange as well, but having a fear of numbers is something that actually exists, and it's called "Triskaidekaphia."
Alfred Hitchcock Was Afraid of Eggs
Alfred Hitchcock had a fear called "Ovophobia," in which he seriously despised eggs. They made him incredibly uncomfortable to the point where he altogether avoided them throughout his life. Hitchcock said that the most revolting kind of eggs, in his opinion, are the ones where the yolk breaks, spilling out "the yellow liquid." He even said that he preferred looking at blood and could withstand the sight, which was much more tolerable than any egg.
Eggs tend to get a bit disgusting the more you think about them, especially if you're in the middle of eating them and then start to realize where they came from. Alfred Hitchcock simply hated them.